By stepping aboard this garage-turned brewery
I agree to the following code
I. I will make damn good beer.
II. I will give thanks often to all the people who help make our beer happen.
III. I will make myself a student of beer and teach others about the awesome magic of beer.
IV. Our brewery is small and space is limited. I will exercise at least 3 days a week so that I can drink beer without getting too fat to squeeze into small spaces as needed.
V. I will remind myself and others to work safely, particularly when I see someone doing something I just did that almost resulted in major injury. If we’ve all gotten hurt or almost gotten hurt doing the same thing, we will stop doing it. This typically requires using or buying an appropriate tool that does exist. (a.k.a. the Throw-the Ladder-Out-Rule)
VI. We will respect our environment and our resources continuously searching for better ways to make our beer (a.k.a. the Well, Spash Patty, and Leach Field (WSPLF) Avoidant Clause)
VII. When a fellow brewer is grumpy, possibly because he/she is: not currently drinking, coughing up grain dust, too cold, too hot, inhaling propane fumes, dumped (again), cleaning the same tank for the millionth time, sore from the mash stirring, just plain tired or simply because it’s bottling day. I will do something ridiculous to make him/her laugh. Then, go grab yourselves a beer. You deserve it.
VIII. All visitors to the brewery are to be treated like royalty, for it is their purchases and good favor that sustain our livelihood . I will do my best to not be antisocial and reclusive in front of strangers.
IV. We will price our beer as responsibly as possible while maintaining fair wages. We just want enough profit to live well, be merry and keep making damn good beer.
X. We will protect our troves of beer by locking up when we’re not around. There are other pirates afoot…
Captain Stitch-Hand, Redbeard and the Fairly Weird Maiden